Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Angie tagged my today (I secretly love this stuff....but shhhhh dont tell)

Five things in my purse
1. my ipod
2. neosporin and bandaids
3. blistex
4. my JSOC I wont forget it
5. my cell

Five things in my refrigerator
1. danimals
2. zesty italian
3. diet pepsi with lime
4. jalapeno jack cheese
5. chocolate

Five things in my closet
1. clothes
2. shoes
3. purses
4. I have my wedding dress too Wonder why I keep it hanging there....
5. belts

Five things in my car (I could make this list really long)
1. cell charger
2. map
3. cd's
4. ipod transmitter
5. and evrything that a 6 and 8 year old can cram in

I tag
Nealisms and Melody

1 comment:

Vonn** said...

It's amazing how much crap we all carry around. But, I need ALL of MY crap...LOL! I will post mine list tonight.