Sunday, June 04, 2006

Visit to GA

We had a blast over the Memorial Day weekend. We went to GA to see my Brother, his girlfriend, and Melody's family. Mel's little baby boy (not such a baby) graduated from high school. Well I guess I should start from the beginning. Friday night the boys had a baseball game. It couldn't be a regular 6:15 game nooooooooooo it was a 7:15 game meaning that we couldn't even start the treck to GA until 9 PM. Well the game was great the boys had a blast and they won. I have become the score taker. I have to admit that I like to do it, even though this is the first time in my life I have ever done it and I think I'm pretty good at it. So anyway back to the story we left at 9pm and got to Adams house at 2 AM. Got up at 6:30 AM and made it to the football field on time. A part of me was nostalgic because it's the same field that I graduated on 13 years ago, that you could see the church that Donte and I got married in almost 10 years ago. I also saw a few old teachers and friends. We located Melody and her family and got cozy on the I say cozy but it was HOT but at least every once in awhile there was a breeze. It was like looking into the future a bit when her son's name was called.....I will need her there when the boys one can whistle like have to hear it to believe it. The graduation went well and all of us; Donte, the boys, Adam, Chrissy, and myself went to Melody's for a BBQ. It was really nice. Donte and Hank were like old war buddies reminicing and swapping stories. You know how guys get. Anyway it was a great day. Donte, Adam and the boys spent a majority of the rest of the weekend installing a stereo system in the truck and Chrissy and I did some shopping. As most weekends it went by way to fast.

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