Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to all the papa's out there!!! We hope that your day was as great as ours!!!!

What a busy weekend.....I know I need to post more but time goes by so fast. Here's a quick update.....the boys play their first tournament game on wed...WOOOOOOHOOOOO We are so very proud of all the kids on our team especially our two rugrats. Don't will be leaving again for 4 months.....but should be able to come home on the weekend now and then all the never really get used to it you just learn how to handle it better. So back to auto pilot I go. The boys are also officially 2nd and 3rd graders.....Donte (Jr) will have the EOG in the 3rd grade....he is already talking about them!!! Mom and Dad are good. Mom is healing well and Dad is very glad to have her back home. Our fat cat is doing well on her diet...for those of you who don't know our cat is a bit chubby so shes on a diet lets just say she can get up and down those stairs easier now. All is well with me except for the fact that I cant seem to get a minute in edge wise bt don't worry I have a week off in July woooooohooooooo!!

Have a great week!!!

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