Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Kids say the darndest things.

For all of you who know my boys you know that Donnie is my calm, wise son and that Daniel is my free spirit who can never sit still. It's funny how two kids that come from the same two people can be night and day. Sunday night was awful in NC, the rain was pelting down, the winds were strong and it seemed like the house would blow away. Well Bedtime was coming up and the boys were getting ready for bed. Even though Daniel is the tough spitfire that he is, he loathes the dark and doesn't care for the thunder and lightning on top of having to turn the lights off. So I try to let him handle it and holler down the hallway that it's time for bed, Mommy will be there in 5 min to give kisses and say prayers. Then the conversation began, it went kinda like this......
Daniel says "Donnie you can sleep with me"
Donnie sys "I wanna sleep in my room stop being a chicken"
Daniel says "I'll buy you snack"
(yes I am trying not to bust out laughing)
Donnie says "Daniel QUIT!!!"
I decide time for Mommy to step in, so I say hey Donnie why don't you sleep in Daniels room tonight? I got the look and the shrug and the "OK Mom". Thank God for the child that helps his Mom.....Meanwhile Daniels breathing a HUGE sigh of relief. So I get them in Bed and give them kisses and assure them that the thunder is just God and his Angels bowling and that the lightning is the Angels looking for toys under their beds. As I pull the covers up ........BOOM a huge clap of thunder erupts, Daniel jumps his face is etched with fear and he states "GOD MUST HAVE GOT A STRIKE MOM" Donnie giggles and says yup and I smile and give them kisses.

Thank God for children for when you look through there eyes the world is a better place!!! I am so glad though that they compliment each other so well. I am also so very proud of them. They brought home their report cards yesterday and they got the equivalent of straight A's (k-2nd grade get 1,2 and 3's instead of A, B, and C's). You should have seen their faces....grinning like the Cheshire cat.

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