Sunday, April 02, 2006

Getting on the Band Wagon

Ok so i decide to jump on the bandwagon and try this Blog thing out.....seemed so simple until I got to the Name your Blog. Are you Kidding me!!!! You all would be laughing hard at me if you knew how many times I had to delete and retype. I have to admit that I am addicted to reading my friends blogs and often get a good laugh and sometimes a good cry out of them. Angie, Congrats on Baby Fred, he is so adorable and Yvonne you always put a smile on my face. It seems like we are all so busy and that life is so hectic and I really hope that this is a good way for all of us to feel a little closer.....Not to mention that I totally SUCK at writing and emailing and all that good stuff so here goes


Angie said...

Hey! Welcome to the blog world!! I can't wait to hear what you guys have been up to!

Vonn** said...

Yay! I'm so glad you have joined the blog world. I will add a link to your page from mine. I can't wait to start reading.